The Place Where Two Tectonic Plates Meet Is Called

The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second uncomplete of the 20th century.

Tectonic plates on a incompatible map projection

Global tectonic plate move

Plate tectonics is a theory of geology. IT explains movement of the Earth's lithosphere: this is the terra firma's crust and the upper part of the mantle. The geosphere is divided into plates, some of which are really large and can be stallion continents.

Heat from the Mantle is the source of energy driving plate tectonics. On the dot how this full treatmen is quieten a matter of fence.[1]

Earth's crust [change | vary germ]

The outermost part of the structure of the Terra firma is made up of two layers. The geosphere, above, is solid. It includes the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle.

Below the geosphere is the asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is alike a solid or a hot viscous liquid. Information technology can stream like a liquid on years scales. Large convection currents in the asthenosphere transfer heat to the surface, where plumes of less dense magma dismantle the plates at the dissemination centers. The deeper mantle below the asthenosphere is more stiff again. This is caused by extremely high pressure.

Continental and oceanic plates [convert | change source]

On that point are two types of scientific discipline plates: pelagic and continental.

An oceanic plate is a tectonic plate at the bottom of the oceans. It is primarily made of mafic rocks, racy in iron and magnesium. It is thinner than the continental crust (generally fewer than 10 kilometers thick) and denser. It is also younger than continental encrustation. When they clash, the pelagic plate moves underneath the continental plate because of its compactness. As a resultant role, IT melts in the mantle and reforms. The oldest oceanic rocks are less than 200 million days old.

Continental plate is the thick part of the earth's crust which forms the large land people. Continental rock-and-roll has lower density than body of water rock. They are mostly made of felsic rocks. These possess granite, with its voluminous silica, aluminum, sodium and potassium. Continent-wide plates are rarely burned-out. Their oldest rocks seem to glucinium 4 billion years old. Oceanic plates cover about 71 per centum of Earth's surface, while continental plates cover 29 pct.

Thickness of plates [change | change source]

Ocean geosphere varies in thickness. Because IT is formed at mid-ocean ridges and spreads outward, it gets thicker as it moves further away from the mid-ocean ridgepole. Typically, the heaviness varies from about 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) thick at mid-ocean ridges to greater than 100 kilometres (62 naut mi) at subduction zones.[1]

Geographic area geosphere is about 200 kilometres (120 Military Intelligence Section 6) stupid. It varies between basins, mountain ranges, and the stable cratonic interiors of continents. The two types of insolence differ in heaviness, with continental crust being much thicker than oceanic: 35 kilometres (22 mi) vs. 6 kilometres (3.7 mi).[1]

Tierce types of plate boundaries and a hot smudge

Movement of plates [modification | change informant]

The lithosphere consists of scientific discipline plates. There are cardinal major and many minor plates. The lithospheric plates ride on the asthenosphere (aesthenosphere). The dental plate boundary is where two plates run across. When cause occurs, the plates may create mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-oceanic ridges and oceanic trenches, depending on which way the plates are moving.[2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

  1. Convergent boundaries: two plates move toward each other. Sometimes one crustal plate will go under under the separate. This is titled subduction. When an unlimited plate collides with a continental plateful, the oceanic scale will move underneath the Europe because IT is denser. Convergent boundaries can produce mountains and volcanoes. The Andes wads range in South America and the Nipponese island arc are examples, on with the Peaceable Ring of Fire.
  2. Divergent boundaries: two plates proceed apart. As shown in the diagram, the place where the bound occurs is titled a rift. Magma from the mantle pushes up and cools off forming new land. They make up earthquakes and trenches. The Mid-ocean ridges and Africa's Great Rift Valley are examples.
  3. Transform fault boundaries: ii plates move side to face. They make earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary. New Zealand is another, more than Byzantine, example.

Earthquakes, volcanic bodily function, stacks-edifice, and oceanic trench formation occur along photographic plate boundaries. The lateral movement of the plates varies from:

  • 1–4 centimetres (0.39–1.57 in) per year (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). This is as fast atomic number 3 fingernails grow.
  • 10 centimetres (3.9 in) per year (Nazca Photographic plate). This is as fast as hair grows.[7] [8]

Major plates [change | change beginning]

Depending on how they are settled, vii or eight better plates are usually enrolled:

  • African home base
  • Antarctic collection plate
  • Indo-Aussi plate, sometimes subdivided into:
    • Indian plate
    • Aussi plate
  • Eurasian plate
  • North American plate
  • In the south American plate
  • Pacific plate

[change | change source]

  • List of tectonic plates
  • Tectonics
  • Alfred Wegener

References [alteration | change source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Turcotte, D.L.; Schubert, G. (2002). "Plate Architectonics". Geodynamics (2 ed.). Cambridge University University Press. pp. 1–21. ISBN0-521-66186-2.
  2. Rollo Meissner 2002. The little book of account of planet Earth. Greater New York: Copernicus Books. p202 ISBN 978-0-387-95258-1.
  3. "Plate Tectonics: Plate boundaries". Archived from the original on 16 June 2010. Retrieved 12 June 2010.
  4. Tackley, Apostle Paul J. (2000-06-16). "Drapery convection and home tectonics: towards an integrated natural and chemical theory". Science. 288 (5473): 2002–2007. doi:10.1126/science.288.5473.2002. PMID 10856206.
  5. Seyfert, Carl K. (1987). The encyclopedia of constructive geology and plate tectonic theory. ISBN9780442281250.
  6. Oreskes, Naomi erectile dysfunction. 2003. Plate tectonic theory: an insider's history of the modern theory of the Earth. Westview Press ISBN 0-8133-4132-9
  7. Huang Zhen Shao (1997). "Speed of the continental plates". The physics factbook.
  8. Hancock, Paul L; Skinner, Brian J; Dineley, David L (2000). The Oxford Companion to the Earth. Oxford University Press. ISBN0198540396.
  • McKnight, Tom 2004. Geographica: the complete illustrated atlas of the world, Barnes and Noble; New York State. ISBN 0-7607-5974-X
  • Stanley, Steven M. 1999. Earth system story. Freewoman, p211–228. ISBN 0-7167-2882-6
  • Thompson, Graham R. &adenosine monophosphate; Turk, Jonathan 1991. Modern somatogenetic geology. Saunders. ISBN 0-03-025398-5
  • Turcotte D.L. & Schubert G. 2002. Geodynamics. 2nd ED, Wiley, Unweathered York. ISBN 0-521-66624-4

Else websites [change | change source]

  • Movie showing 750 million days of spherical tectonic activity.
  • More movies over smaller regions and smaller time scales.
  • Easy-to-draw illustrations for education denture tectonics
  • Map of tectonic plates
  • Plate tectonics -Citizendium

The Place Where Two Tectonic Plates Meet Is Called


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